St. Mark’s and St. Andre — Over Twenty Years Together

The Latest from Canon Serena
Long-time St. Mark’s member Canon Serena Evans Beeks, D.Min., is US Coordinator for Haiti Episcopal School Partnerships. Over the past 20 years, whenever political conditions allowed, she has traveled to Haiti, sometimes several times a year. Read her latest posting below about the country, the people, and our paternership with St. Andre in Trinon.
Melchie, Jamaica, and what to say to friends
Dear Haiti friends, There's a nice article about Melchie Dumornay, one of the stars of the Haitian women's soccer team, in the New Yorker magazine: Melchie is...
Les Grenadieres and other news
Dear Haiti Friends, Various Haiti news items: Kenya has indicated to the UN that it is prepared to send in 1,000 police to bolster the Haitian police force. The UN has proposed direct assistance but has until now been unable to find a country willing to take the...
Haiti Fair Trade Home and Gift! Ends July 16
Dear Haiti Friends, Please forward the information below to your friends who live in Atlanta and/or are involved in Fair Trade shops or initiatives and/or have an interest in Haiti and/or love to see artisanal work and/or want to know where they can get some of that...
Calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year
The communication office of the Ministry of National Education unveiled in a press release the school calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year. The start of the new school year begins on September 11 and will end on June 28, 2024. In this new calendar, the MENFP has...
Haiti Advocacy Event
HAWG Call to Action Part 1 When: Thursday, Jun 29, 2:00 PM Eastern Time Register in advance for this meeting: Interested in speaking out more about Haiti but not sure how? The advancement of Haiti,...
The complex relationship between the Dominican Republic and Haiti
View this email in your browser June 20th, 2023 One island. Two nations. Worlds apart?Behind the rhetoric distancing Haiti and the Dominican Republic Haiti and the Dominican Republic share one island–Hispaniola–whose peoples, cultures and economies are...
Good News and Bad News
Dear Haiti Friends, News trickles in about massive flooding in the southwest of Haiti. A flash flood in Leogane has caused a great deal of destruction and loss of life. The following message is from the Medical Benevolence Fund which is a supporter of Hopital St...
Melodie Celeste
Dear Haiti Friends, A plea for unity in Haiti from our friends at Melodie Celeste, St. Pierre, Mirebalais: Best line in the song: "Division will not lead." We need that message in the U.S., too.
Article from a member of the Montana Group
Courtesy of Jerry Harner, below my signature is an article by a member of the Montana Group. One of the points it makes that in addition to being the drug market that funds a large portion of the crime and unrest in this hemisphere, the US is also an exporter to...
Celebrate Haitian month at Banbôch Kreyol Fest 🇭🇹
For those of you who will be in New York at the end of May -- Kreyol Fest is making a return on Sunday, May 28th! Please see below for more information. For fans who have stayed at the Hotel Oloffson in Port-au-Prince, RAM is onstage at 7:00pm. Coney Island...
The partnership of St. Mark’s with St. Andre’s Episcopal Church and School in Trianon, Haiti began in 2001. That year, one and then two parishioners began making regular visits, taking with them the offering from the St. Mark’s School’s Christmas Eucharist.
The relationship grew until 2007, when St. Mark’s members were able to make our first group visit. Since then, groups from the church and school have visited annually when conditions in Haiti have permitted.
Students at St. Mark’s School took the lead on such projects as a new four-room classroom building, a water project, and new school uniforms. Support from St. Mark’s pays teachers’ salaries, covers the occasional hot meal, and provides for repairs on the water system—which was damaged in the hurricanes of 2008—and the replacement of the old classroom building, which was damaged in the earthquake of 2010.
St. Andre’s was the first church and school on Haiti’s central plateau established by Bishop James Theodore Holly when he founded the Episcopal Church in Haiti in the early 1860s. Since its founding, St. Andre’s has offered a primary school for the children of local subsistence farmers. In Haiti, only 50% of the children have access to any education at all.
Please pray for the people of St. Andre’s, especially the children. If you can, give your financial support.