Haiti Partnership

St. Mark’s and St. Andre — Over Twenty Years Together

The Latest from Canon Serena

Long-time St. Mark’s member Canon Serena Evans Beeks, D.Min., is US Coordinator for Haiti Episcopal School Partnerships. Over the past 20 years, whenever political conditions allowed, she has traveled to Haiti, sometimes several times a year. Read her latest posting below about the country, the people, and our paternership with St. Andre in Trinon.

Deployment of Police Support to Haiti

Dear Haiti Friends, The U.N. special mission to support the Haitian police force, to be led by Kenya, continues to evolve.  After the Kenyan government agreed to take the lead, a Kenyan court blocked the action, saying that Kenyan police were in short supply and...

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Dine In, Help Out

Dear Haiti Friends, If you are in the following zip codes: 01002, 01003, 01007, 01035, 01038, 01039, 01053, 01054, 01060, 01062, 01063, 01072, 01075, 01096, 01375, you can have a soup supper to benefit a Haiti partnership delivered to your home February 10th! If...

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Interesting Job for Kreyol Speaker

Dear Haiti Friends, I send this job announcement which came to me courtesy of Cindy Corell in case you know Haitian-Americans in your community who might have the right skills.  It looks as though they must be US Citizens or permanent residents, so TPS residents...

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Haitian Women Collective

Dear Haiti Friends, I want to commend to you the work of the Haitian Women Collective whose newsletter appears below.  If the education, general health, and reproductive health of girls and women is an important part of your partnership, you may wish to watch the two...

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Update on the Haiti Hospital Attack

Dear Haiti Friends, If you have friends in Mirebalais, you have undoubtedly herd from them that a gang has apparently relocated from Port-au-Prince, possibly in advance of expected UN police assistance.  People are attempting to shelter in place.  It goes...

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News from Haiti

Dear Haiti Friends, I know you're tired of hearing from me this week!  One more thing: I've just received news from a friend about yet another very sad kidnapping of a family member in Haiti. I want to remind everyone, please, please, if this happens to friends...

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The partnership of St. Mark’s with St. Andre’s Episcopal Church and School in Trianon, Haiti began in 2001. That year, one and then two parishioners began making regular visits, taking with them the offering from the St. Mark’s School’s Christmas Eucharist.

The relationship grew until 2007, when St. Mark’s members were able to make our first group visit. Since then, groups from the church and school have visited annually when conditions in Haiti have permitted.

Students at St. Mark’s School took the lead on such projects as a new four-room classroom building, a water project, and new school uniforms. Support from St. Mark’s pays teachers’ salaries, covers the occasional hot meal, and provides for repairs on the water system—which was damaged in the hurricanes of 2008—and the replacement of the old classroom building, which was damaged in the earthquake of 2010.

St. Andre’s was the first church and school on Haiti’s central plateau established by Bishop James Theodore Holly when he founded the Episcopal Church in Haiti in the early 1860s. Since its founding, St. Andre’s has offered a primary school for the children of local subsistence farmers. In Haiti, only 50% of the children have access to any education at all.

Please pray for the people of St. Andre’s, especially the children. If you can, give your financial support.