Ash and Dash

Upland’s 16th Street commuters will be offered ashes from 6 to 10 AM in our north parking lot on Ash Wednesday. Lay members of St. Mark’s assist in the “imposition of ashes”—that is, making the sign of the cross in ashes on a person’s forehead.

Ash Wednesday Service

Sanctuary 330 E. 16th Street, Upland

We begin the 40-day season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Ashes signify our mortality and penitence. We will offer two services in the Sanctuary  for the “imposition of ashes.”

Ash Wednesday Service

Sanctuary 330 E. 16th Street, Upland

We begin the 40-day season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Ashes signify our mortality and penitence. We will offer two services in the Sanctuary  for the “imposition of ashes."

This is the end of the events