Many Ministries – One Mission
People serving together carry out the mission of St. Mark’s. There are many opportunities. Which are right for you?

Greeters create a welcoming atmosphere by greeting and directing people as they enter the church, answering questions, and providing information about the church’s programs and events. Greeters are often the first point of contact for visitors and members alike. Contact

Altar Guild
These members care for the sanctuary linens and furnishings. Each week they meet before services to prepare and set out the items to be used such as candles, chalices, the Gospel book, and holy water. Later they put these things away in the Sacristy and take the linens home to wash and iron. Members of the altar guild also prepare the church for special services such as weddings and funerals. Contact

Bread Bakers
Volunteer bakers provide the special communion bread that is used for Sunday and Wednesday Eucharists and for weddings and funerals. A recipe is provided. Members bake bread at their homes, which is then stored in the freezer at the church. Contact

Flower Guild
Flowers are chosen and arranged each week by members of the Flower Guild. Not only do they put together the large arrangements that sit near the altar, but they also assist with plants, flowers, and other decorations for special seasons, weddings, and funerals. Contact
Ushers are responsible for greeting and seating attendees, collecting offerings, and assisting with any needs during services. In addition to these duties, ushers may also help with distributing bulletins, guiding people to restrooms or other areas of the church, and providing assistance to those with special needs. They play a key role in helping to maintain order and organization during services, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Contact

Lay people trained to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people during corporate worship. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” Contact

The Choir and Band play a vital role in leading worship through music and song. They use their talents to enhance the worship experience and create a space for members to connect with God through music. Music is featured at the 10AM service on Sunday morning and at special services. Band plays on the first Sunday of each month, the choir leads worship during the other Sundays. Contact

Coffee Hour hosts work in teams to provide the snacks for our fellowship time following the 8 AM and 10 AM Sunday services. Each team is responsible several times a year for making coffee, supplying the food, setting it out, serving as needed, and cleaning up afterward. Contact

Liturgical Arts
Liturgical Arts volunteers design, select, and install the decorative items in the church that enhance our worship experience. With the help of those in the Altar and Flower Guilds, these members also help to decorate for each season of the church year. Contact

Sextons help the clergy and lay leaders manage events in the church buildings. They arrive early to open doors and help set up furniture and equipment. Then they stay late to lock up and secure the facilities. Contact
St. Fiacre's Guild
Gardening Guild members have chosen the name St. Fiacre’s Guild after the patron saint of gardeners. Members organize monthly work parties to do planting, trimming, weeding, and sprinkler maintenance around the St. Mark’s campus. Novices and experienced gardeners are both welcome, and anyone with sprinkler system expertise is particularly appreciated. Contact

Parking Guild
Parking attendants help whenever there are special services with a large attendance. They reserve the front spaces for members who have difficulty walking and direct drivers to overflow parking in the rear of the church. Contact

Photographers volunteer to capture moments in the life of the church and share these pictures in publications, on the bulletin board, and on the website. Contact