Dear Haiti Friends,
I’m sorry to be a few days behind with information — I plead the excuse of cataract surgery, second eye completed Wednesday and now in the eyedrops and sunglasses phase. All successful so far, and I recommend it!
Below my signature please see a message from the Episcopal Public Policy Network, part of the Government Relations office of the Episcopal Church. Anyone is welcome to sign up on their mailing list — you don’t have to be an Episcopalian. They make it very easy to contact your representatives in Washington about issues that are important to you, and offer talking points, Zoom meetings with experts, and many other services. School people: They are also happy to talk with students about public engagement, good citizenship, respectful argument, and so on.
Something I missed while under sedation was the birthday of the Rt. Rev. James Theodore Holly, first Black bishop in the Episcopal Church and founder of the church on Haiti, born March 13, 1829. A brief homily about Holly is attached, for those who might be interested in an interesting part of Haitian history. His birthday is celebrated as a feast day of the church in recognition of his remarkable contributions in support of the rural poor in Haiti.