Dear Haiti Friends,
I am forwarding a message from our friends at WORK (dignified jobs, community development, Haitian leadership development) outlining and explaining the progress of the U.N./CARICOM support for a transitional team to restore security in Haiti and provide for free and fair elections as soon as it is possible. If you will be responding to WORK’s request for contacting officials in Washington, you might add that much of Haiti’s instability is fueled by the South American drug cartels which support the gangs in order to use Haiti as a transshipment point to the U.S., and by dealers on the U.S. end who supply and smuggle the automatic weapons which can be purchased cheaply here. In other words, our drug problems and our cheap guns fund and fuel Haiti’s insecurity. We as a nation bear some responsibility for the situation.
You probably hear on the news conflicting opinions from Haitians as to whether a coalition government and/or police support backed by foreign support is wanted by the people of Haiti. It seems pretty clear from what we are hearing from friends in Haiti that those protesting violently against foreign assistance are the gangs who prefer to remain in charge. While foreign assistance has not in the past been much of a success, we hope that the leadership of other Caribbean nations in this regard and the leadership of the Haitian Transition Council will help the “help” to be positive and not destructive and self-serving.
Serena Evans Beeks
Canon Serena Evans Beeks, D.Min.
US Coordinator, Haiti Episcopal School Partnerships
National Association of Episcopal Schools
—– Forwarded Message —–
![]() The situation in Haiti continues to be intense. Most of our families and team members are still unable to leave their communities. Fortunately, due to our community investment strategy, our families have access to most of what they need at the moment. 80% of our kids are still able to remain in school. Cost of products remain high and families are stretching where they can. Please consider a donation to support our families today. Donate Late last week, members of the Presidential Transition Council were named. They include: 1. Ambassador Smith Augustin, Representative of EDE/REd 2. Mr. Laurent St Cyr, Representative of the Private Sector 3. Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles, Representative of the Accord of December 21, 2022 4. Mr. Leslie Voltaire, Representative of Fanmi Lavalas 5. Mr. Fritz Alphonse Jean, Representative of the Montana Accord 6. Mr. Edgar LeBlanc Fils, Representative of the Collective of January 30 7.Mr. Emmanuel Vertilaire, Representative of Pitit Dessalines 8. Mr. Rene Jean-Jumeau, Observer 9. Mr. Pastor Frinel Joseph, Observer Tonight, an election for the presidency of the Presidential Council will be held. The 4 candidates to be voted on include Amb Smith Augustin, Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles, Mr. Edgar Leblanc and Mr. Fritz Alphonse Jean. At the same time, the appointed members of the Council are in the process of drawing up a document on its functions. Once the document is ready, they will meet with CARICOM to discuss the next steps. Meanwhile, the US Congressional Republicans have again blocked the request for $40 million in aid committed to Haiti for the UN Security Mission (UNSM) led by Kenya. While there’s no true consensus today on whether or not Haitians want foreign intervention, what we’re hearing from our families and our team in Haiti is that they’re living in a nightmare that they don’t see being resolved without foreign support today. No matter where the violence is taking place each day, the indiscriminate nature of where and when communities are targeted and with the fact there there’s no end in sight has terrorized citizens across the country. With our families and team’s feedback, we are strongly advocating for funding support to begin the UNSM while additional funds continue to be committed. Please join us in asking Congress members to support our families and team by approving funding for the UN Security Mission. Call To Action: Call members of the House and Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to ask for funds to support Haiti. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair MICHAEL McCAUL (R-Texas) | Phone: (512) 473-2357 House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member GREGORY MEEKS (D-NY) | Phone: (718) 725-6000 Full List of Committee Members Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair: BEN CARDIN (D-Maryland) | Phone: (410) 962-4436 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member JIM RISCH (R-Idaho) | Phone: (208) 342-7985 Full List of Committee Members Script: Hi, my name is < name > and I live in <City, State or Address>. I’m calling to express my support for the people of Haiti. As insecurity is at an all-time high, I urge members of Congress and the House/Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to support the deployment of the UN Security Mission, led by Kenya, as soon as possible. The release of funds will save lives and provide an opportunity for a transition to take place. Thank you. Donate Thank you for your support. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or feedback. For our families…, Vivien Luk Executive Director |