USAID has produced a strategy document in response to the Global Fragility Act intended to guide the US in reacting to Haiti’s government crisis and precarious situation. While there are not a lot of specifics, it does talk about the shoring up of Haitian police and of the judicial system in order to bring back order and public safety as the first steps. In the letter below from Natalie Parke, the Haiti Program Advisor at USAID, you will find links to summaries of the plan and the work of USAID. I have no idea what this might yield and how timely any action might be, but I will let you know anything I can find out!
Today is Palm Sunday, which in Haiti is also celebrated as “Mesi Bondye” (Thanks to God), a sort of combination of Palm Sunday and Thanksgiving. It involves a significant procession to the church usually covering quite some distance, and the offering generally includes the local agricultural products including live animals. From Wendel Dorsainville in Mirebalais, a photo of this morning’s procession:

We wish our brothers and sisters in Haiti a very peaceful Holy Week leading to a glorious Easter next Sunday. Bon Fet Pak, tout moun! A good Easter to everyone!
Dear Friends of Haiti,
I hope this message finds you well. As you may recall, we spoke several months ago regarding the implementation of the Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability in Haiti. We integrated your insights, as well as those of more than 300 individuals, into a plan to promote stability and address violent conflict in Haiti over the next ten years. You can now find a summary of the plan here.
Based on feedback from our consultations, this plan takes a phased approach which acknowledges that safety and security are preconditions for addressing many of the underlying causes of instability in Haiti. This plan intends to address the acute crises that Haiti faces at the moment, and it also builds a foundation for the future. The plan’s objectives focus on repairing and strengthening the social contract: enhancing accountable governance and an engaged and prosperous citizenry. Our success depends on ongoing coordination and collaboration with individuals like you.
Thank you for your support and collaboration.
Kind regards,