Where Is St. Mark's Located?
St. Mark’s is located at 330 East 16th Street in Upland, California. We are on the south side of 16th Street (aka Baseline) between North Euclid Avenue and North Campus Avenue. From the street, you will see our electronic marquee, a tall cross, our A-frame roof, and the school bell tower.
What Are Your Service Times?
We have two Sunday worship services of Holy Communion (aka “Holy Eucharist” or “Mass”). See our listing of Service Times.
Where Should I Park?
Space is limited in the north lot between the street and the church. We try to leave those places for the handicapped, the elderly, and visitors. Most of us park in the lot behind the church and school buildings. If you park in the rear, come up the wide concrete steps next to the bell tower to reach the south doors of the church. Our street entrance, parking areas, and exit have a one-way traffic pattern. Please pay close attention to the signs and markings.
What Are Your COVID Protocols?
Masks are encouraged and optional. During the exchange of the peace, everyone’s sensitivities are respected. If a person offers a handshake, fist bump, bow, or peace sign, then we respond accordingly. The consecrated wine for Holy Communion is distributed via personal chalices instead of the common cup. If a person is not feeling well, they are encouraged to participate via livestream.
How Should I Dress?
We have no dress code at St. Mark’s. Wear what is comfortable, and be yourself. Our members are comfortable to come to church in biker shorts or traditional ethnic dress and everything in between. Whether you wear high heels or Birkenstocks, you’ll find others with your sense of style at St. Mark’s.
What Do I Do When I Arrive?
When you arrive at our doors, our greeters and ushers will welcome you, show you around, and see that you receive a service Bulletin. One thing you might do right away is make a nametag. You’ll see that most of our members have their own nametags. We call each other by our first names. Once you’ve found a seat, please fill out a Connect Card (look in the pew rack in front of you) to place in the offering plate.
What Kind of Worship Can I Expect?
Our services at St. Mark’s represent the best efforts of a diverse community to collectively enter the presence of Jesus Christ. Every week our service includes Communion—also called the Holy Eucharist. We speak and listen, sing and pray. And we give everyone a role, not just the priest but also lay ministers, families and individuals, elders and the young. Most of the images and phrases we use come from the Holy Bible. The prayers, lessons, and order of service we share with others around the world who use The Book of Common Prayer.
Is There Sunday School for the Children?
We offer Sunday School every week at the 10 AM service, during the school year. You may keep children with you, but we invite you to have the older children take part in Sunday School in the classroom just off the Parish Hall. Read about it on the page For Children under the Worship menu.
May I Participate in Communion?
Perhaps the church’s most powerful symbols are the bread and wine of communion, which represent Jesus body and blood, broken and shed for us. They remind us that God is present in our world and in our lives—through Jesus Christ and the gathered community. All are welcome at the altar to receive these gifts. You may also come forward to receive a blessing; simply cross your arms over your chest, and the minister will bless you.
What Happens after the Service?
After Worship we gather for “Coffee Hour” in the Parish Hall. Follow the others through the doors at each side of the stained-glass windows in the Entry Hall. Stay for a while to enjoy a simple snack, a cup of coffee or tea, and some friendly conversation. Remember, we are also sometimes shy, so help us get to know you by wearing a name tag, asking questions, or commenting on the service.
How Can I Learn More about the Episcopal Church?
Feel free to ask questions. Our Rector, Rev. Keith Yamamoto, and our other clergy and vestry members are available during the Coffee Hour time after services and would be happy to tell you more about the Episcopal faith in general or St. Mark’s in particular. Also, you will find links to the Episcopal Church’s website and other useful sites under Useful Links on the Resources page.