Book Club
Begun in 2008, the Book Club meets monthly, usually on the third Saturday at 10am at someone’s home. Book selections are based on the interests of the group and range from current fiction to spiritual memoir. New members and visitors are always welcome. Contact bookclub@stmarks-upland.org

Men’s Breakfast
For over twenty years, the men of St. Mark’s have met at 8am on the second Saturday of each month, from September through June. There is no set agenda for the meetings other than to get to know one another and form friendships beyond Sunday mornings. Contact mensbreakfast@stmarks-upland.org

St. Peter’s Guild
The group which formed in 2005, provides older members with some mental stimulation and friendly competition in a setting of Christian fellowship. They gather every Thursday at 9am in the Guild Room. Everyone is welcome to join them for a few hands and good coffee. Contact stpeters@stmarks-upland.org

St. Clare’s Guild
This prayer shawl making group meets every other week for about an hour-and-a-half in different members’ homes to knit or crochet shawls and lap robes which are blessed at Sunday Eucharist and then given to the sick, the homebound, or those needing an extra dose of loving care. Contact shawls@stmarks-upland.org